As we segue into the weekend, more from Tom Bixler, Republican candidate for congress

Tonight an Anonymous commenter thought I was being a smarty pants when I linked to a Blind Orange Julius post objectifying Stephanie Herseth in response to a question they had.

My silly response was based on the fact I found the whole question silly. He/she wanted to know if on the basis of a single press release which one I would support. Well, the serious response is "I have no idea. One press release does not a campaign make."

So, in the interest of finding out more about our fledgeling Republican candidate, here's a post containing a little more on Mr Bixler from an e-mail I got tonight.
Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is congressional candidate Tom Bixler. As I begin to launch my bid to challenge Rep. Stephanie Herseth for our lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, I come to you ladies and gentlemen of both parties, to ask for your help with my 1900 signature petition drive.

We need a person in Congress who can stand up for South Dakota's beliefs as well as their own without being dominated by any party. We need a person who won't sell their votes to the highest campaign contributor. But especially we need someone who will not spend their time attacking the incumbent but rather who will say what they intend to do in office and do it.

For those of you who consider me too young for the job, think of the words of 2000 Democratic Congressional candidate Raymond Osloond. He said: ''The first job of a representative isn't to pass laws by the ton; it's to protect our constitutional rights from those who would trample them." I feel I can help protect those rights as a caring citizen.

For all who read this, Republican or Democrat, I am doing this to get on the ballot, voice my message, and in the end, hopefully serve you, not to make quick money or badmouth an incumbent. I serve proudly on the city park board and I am a proud member of Toastmasters International. I did not join these groups for political reasons but because I care about my community and its inhabaitants. I ran three times for City Commission, once for County Coroner and once as an independent for the State House because I cared. I only made it to the election twice, in the 2003 coroner race and my most recent City Commission race, where I lost both times. But I still showed myself to the people in each case and let them make a choice.

With your help, I intend to do so again in my race for Congress, win or lose. Petition circulation doesen't start until January but I want to have some circulators ready before then in order to give my message to as much of the state as possible before primary time and/or election time in November.

If you are interested, please pick up petitions starting January 1st at Sutton Place Apartments, 3000 Douglas Avenue, #114, Yankton, SD 57078. Only Republicans can be signed on my petitions. This campaign is open to all people, Republican, Democrat, and Independent alike.

Like former U.S. House candidate Terry Begay, I don't have a college degree. I'm not scared to admit it. I pride myself on the fact that I don't have a paper trail Herseth can attack, as well has the fact that I will not resort to political dirt and personal attacks on her to get my message out. I can only do this with your help.

I look forward to your responses,

Tom Bixler
I'm still waiting on my 10 questions from Mr. Bixler, and hopefully we can continue to learn more about this person who wants to be a contender for the congressional seat.

And my advice to Tom and any other GOP Congressional Contenders? Hit the Lincoln Day Dinner Circuit. You'll get them filled out in no time.


Anonymous said…
I don’t think Herseth is going to have to attack his ‘paper trail’ to cream this guy.
Anonymous said…
PP wrote:
"Tonight an Anonymous commenter thought I was being a smarty pants when I linked to a Blind Orange Julius post objectifying Stephanie Herseth in response to a question they had."

How closely do you read these comments? I, Will, asked the original question. Anonymous, not Will, thought you were being a "smarty pants." Will and Anonymous are not the same person. Your post insinuates that they are.

For the record, when I've made comments on this or other blogs, I've signed my name to them.
PP said…
Will, you were 100% correct.

And I do read the things on the comments pretty closely. I just get a little bleary eyed at 12:30 am

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