Brookings County GOP now has a website.

The Brookings County Republican party now has a website up and running.

Click here to view the site. It's just getting off the ground, but it's got an attractive design. I especially like the history of elected legislative officials for Brookings county going back to Sheldon Cotton. I anticipate it's going to be tweaked more as we get into election season.

Keep an eye on this site, as I think Republicans are finally starting to realize and pay attention to why Congresswoman Herseth claimed this county over all others as her own. It's the South Dakota county with the largest number of swing voters. And she wants them swinging her way. In fact, with it's swing vote status, and it's large Republican population, it may be a battleground county this next election.

Keep up the good work Brookings GOP.

Otherwise, I'll have to talk to somebody about the links. I see they have the one non-political site I personally did linked up, but nothing for the SDWC yet.


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