More Ballot Initiative News
S.T.O.P. in the name of Bill

Celeste Calvitto of the Rapid City Journal is reporting that the S.T.O.P. initiative is as good as on the ballot:
Napoli said Tuesday that his Committee to Stabilize Tax On Property, or STOP, has gathered more than enough signatures to get an amendment placed on the November 2006 general election ballot.

“Things are going to land where we thought they would,” he said, referring to the number of signatures on petitions that have been circulating since early spring.

The deadline to file petitions for proposed constitutional amendments that would appear on the 2006 ballot is 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, at the South Dakota Secretary of State’s office, but Napoli will present them Nov. 3. The deadline for a proposed change in state law is May 2.

The goal of the STOP group was to get thousands more than the minimum 33,000 signatures needed to get on the ballot because of potential challenges and errors.

“We just needed to make sure we wouldn’t get tossed,” Napoli said. Petitions are still coming in, but it appears that they have more than 40,000 signatures.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
When will the good folks of the Black Hills realize what a complete fraud Mr. Napoli is? He screams about every measure of spending at the state level, initiates STOP, says the Ellsworth Task Force was a “waste of money” AND THEN . . . ?

very quietly votes for the Homestake $20 million crap-shoot, along with this partner in hypocracy, Jerry Apa. It’s clear these twos' conservative views “stop” at taking any vote that requires a bit of backbone. The very people complaining that a moderate opponent to WB in a primary is un-Repubican should be the first ones to want to show this mutt the door and find a REAL Republican to represent the Hills.

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