Changes afoot (1 day to go)

One day until the big move over to the eastern part of the state. Which is as good a time as any to start sprucing things up around here. I'm trying to make a few of the graphic elements a little more pleasing, such as making the space where the beg button is a bit more visible, so people might click on it more often (ahem.....).

It might be a good time to ask - anything that you all want to see here that I'm not doing at the moment? Otherwise, I don't know if there will be many changes aside from a few cosmetic alterations. And the fact that topics I might have avoided in the past might not be so sacred.

Still lots of nervousness over what I'm going to be doing. Despite the fact I keep repeating to myself that "it will all work out." I think it's just a case of "high diving board jitters." A few butterflies are always there before you jump off into the great unknown.

What else is going on?

Of those polled, about half want to see Jim Seward run for US Senate. The other half want him as AG. (I voted for Senate myself). What I'm hearing from the field is that if Jim considers a race this next year, the Senate is the more attractive option.

Another noteworthy thing is that the Larry Russell numbers surged on the unscientific poll after Dusty Johnson bowed out. Out of 280 votes, Larry got 108. From some of the other buzz I'm hearing, something could be starting......

So, let's try this again with Pat Costello in the mix, and Dusty out:

Where does your GOP Congressional choice fall with Dusty out of the race?
Joel Dykstra
Larry Russell
Pat Costello
Shantel Krebs
Deb Peters
None of the above free polls

More to come...


Anonymous said…

What job are you leaving?

Anonymous said…
I would really like to see some national issues, though i believe that PP wants to keep the blog stte issues only.
PP said…
I'll probably be talking about it a little in days to come. But the last big things I did was the Vietnam Dedication, and the state Quarter. My latest will probably be unveiled after I'm gone.
Anonymous said…
PP you were special projects with a few other duties right????
Of course that was after leaving the other position you had correct?
Anonymous said…
Does it really matter when the red-headed step child leaves?
Anonymous said…
PP - good to work with you on the dedication. Just remember - No more pencils, no more books. No more of the dragon lady's dirty looks.
Anonymous said…
So you work for the Governor? Do you have a title?

Anonymous said…
1:46, I think PP is/was about 10 levels removed.
Anonymous said…
Who is Pat Costello? Give us something to work with here.
Anonymous said…
PP, there sure a lot of yippy little dogs on this blog intent on nipping your pantlegs. Feel free to kick them while the rest of us look the other way.

Anonymous said…
Larry "Maka Duta" Russell for Congress! I'll bet he can get 109% of the vote if he runs...
Anonymous said…
Maka Duta Russell would fit right in with the rest of the crooks in Congress. Maybe he can share a cell with Reps Jefferson, Cunningham, and Ney...
Anonymous said…
Maka Duta already has his website up and running... and it appears that he's not afraid to run as a Christian.

It also looks like the criminal proceedings aged him quite a bit.

But at least he's singing!
Anonymous said…
what happened to Larry Dietrick? Why isn't he on any polls? Is he still considered an serious Republican candidate?
Anonymous said…
no, 2:48 and neither is Joel Dykstra...take him off this lists, or let me offer another name-Tim Rounds. There, in a 3 way race between Tim Rounds, Larry Dietrich and Joel Dystrka, who wins:

Anonymous said…
2:36 - Larry has never been accused, nor faced criminal proceedings. No wonder you're anonymous - you're too chicken to face a libel lawsuit.
Anonymous said…
maka duta sure is pulling the Christian card with that website, but he is one rugged cross.

I hope he doesn't sue me for saying it, because 3:10 says maka is sue-happy.
Anonymous said…
I wonder how many hits that website has gotten since it showed up on here. Some evangelist in Texas is probably thinking he's hit big time.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a bunch of dems quaking in their boots - GO LARRY!!
Anonymous said…
Every time Larry Russell is brought up, we get these anonymous criticisms absent any specifics. Yes, they are afraid that he can give Herseth-Sandlin a good fight. I, for one, would like to see him do it. (Oooh, he might be a "Christian" too.)
Anonymous said…
PP what are you doing your last day in Pierre?
PP said…
Old guy - Cleaning out my desk, making sure web files are where someone can carry on the work (or at least prep things before my site revamp goes live), and other housekeeping duties.

I think I've made at least 2 or 3 trips to the Archives in as many days.

Plus I've got 2 or three existing websites I need to make sure someone knows what to do with them.

In addition to my regular chores, of course.
Anonymous said…
It is sure a shame that Dusty is not in the game. He could really work the crowds and get people excited. He is really the best person for the job, it is really too bad that he isn't going to run. Who can blame him with a cute little boy and a great wife? Seems to me that his greatness is lost on a group like the PUC. Best of luck to Dusty and I hope to see him in 2010 for Governor.
Anonymous said…
What does pp do?

He clips newspapers
Anonymous said…
So, who is Jim Seward? Where is he from and what does he do for a living?
Anonymous said…
And what do you do 10:26, aside from trying to avoid being arrested by "perverted justice" and NBC Dateline?
Anonymous said…
Russell? Beat Stephanie? That's rich.
Three weeks into the campaign she'll have him hiding under his desk sucking his thumb, Bruce Whalen style. Bring it on, big boy. It will be a joy to watch.
Anonymous said…
Oh brother, where art thou? Is Larry's website a skid-mark or what? Jesus.
Anonymous said…
Even a gnat can be annoying. It isn't a great achievement. The Hildebrand boys (and their liberal copycats) that love the sarcastic sniping on some of these blogs are just plain childish and rude.

Their targets are real people with real families.
Anonymous said…
I am a lawyer who spends a lot of time in Pierre and I have no idea who Jim Seward is. It appears he would get zero votes east river with the name recognition he has.

Larry Russell is also a non starter. While his opponents on this site are boorish, he has absolutely no juice. His grassroots politicing is good, but he can't beat an established canidate like Herseth-Sandlin.

The only real serious canidate the Republicans could have fielded was Dusty Johnson. Say what you will about his youthful appearance, he is a strong, well spoken, hard working canidate. No one else on the Republican side has the charisma and intelligence to challenge Herseth-Sandlin seriously like he could.
Anonymous said…
No one will be able to out work Larry Russell and the grassroots team he will put together if he decides to put his at in the ring!!

I wish him nothing but the best.
Go get'em Larry!

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