This is getting worse.

Read the Hughes County court documents for yourself.

This is one of the most horrific things I think I've ever seen.


Anonymous said…
Dear God. Speechless. That poor girl.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
that was really hard to read. Why do we live in such a sad society.
Anonymous said…
We don't live in a bad society. No matter where you go you will find bad people, and weak people who do bad things.

Rest assured, the good in our nation and the world far outmatches the bad.
Anonymous said…
anon 1:10 you may be right but the good is really hard to see at times like these. Here we have kids that were removed from a bad situation and put into foster care by the state in order to protect them! This is the protection they get; to be preyed upon (allegedly) by their own foster father!
Anonymous said…
If true, it was disgustingly elaborate plotting.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to speak for everyone and say to you Mr. Dick Brown: You are a complete idiot.
PP said…
Knock off the fake pseudonyms.
Anonymous said…
PP has a gift for cutting the most interesting comments.
Anonymous said…
People please! The actions by this man will have huge ramification across this state in may ways.
Less not forgot all the problems across this entire nation with the Foster Care system, Florida comes to mind.
Some heads are going to be on a plate and many questions are going to have to be answered from the bottom to the top!
Anonymous said…
You said this was going to be BIG, PP, but I had no idea it would be this BIG. At least he wasn't seen streaking down the street(s) of Walker! What is the Walker Chamber of Commerce going to do without him??
Anonymous said…
I hope this thing blows out nationwide to demonstrate what a backwoods jerkwater place South Dakota can be, expecially for women and minorities at the mercy of self-contented fat-assed white male powermongers making prophetic self-justified pronouncements from Pierre.

I can hardly wait until the national media turns its attention to the superficial, hypocritical hyperbolic dangerous political atmosphere here in South Dakota. And all in the name of Jesus! What does it take to be a legislator here? Who elects these people?

I just got really outraged about this thing many other white male rapist legislators can a state have? Although the victims have the right to privacy and confidentiality (something the legislators didn't give a hoot about when crafting the anti-abortion rag this 2007 legislative session with rape and incest "protections" that, luckily, went nowhere) I'd bet dollars to donuts that the victims were Native American 65% of the children in foster care in this state are Native.

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