~ fin ~

On the last day......

I always seem to come across the same running joke about those things that you'd do 'on your last day' as if it's some ominous benchmark where nothing matters anymore. You'll tell that scofflaw what you really think of their tactics, you'll be as blunt as a heart attack in that report, or you'll give "that special someone" a well deserved piece of your mind.

What do I want to do on my last day? None of the above. Because I think it's more important to try to take a minute to thank the people who have made the time with my current position an absolute joy, than to tell someone off. Time wasted thanking someone is not wasted at all.

I've spent the last few years primarily working on recognition for our state's veterans in the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials. In fact, if you look at the Vietnam Memorial Dedication website, that's my baby. With from help on scripts from BIT, I developed it from scratch. It was much bigger leading up to the dedication, but with a different look and feel than most official State of SD websites. How many others use yellow text on a black background? If you want to get a feel for the old one, click here for the slideshow. That kind of tells you what you missed before.

So, thanks. Thanks to the dozens of people on the Dedication committees who know how to pull events off. I think the people who put on stuff from tourism could learn a thing or two from that group, because they really know how to put on a gig. I'm leaving behind many friendships made, and they've left me richer for the experience.

Thanks to the people in the BOA (where I was based). There isn't a harder working crew in government.

And special thanks to my boss, John. You're a gentleman in every sense of the word.

I'll miss you all. See you on the world wide web.


Anonymous said…
By the way, the "storm clouds" shocker drops today before noon.
Anonymous said…
anon 10:37,
It is already out. Ted Klaudt turned himself in earlier today according to the KELO website.
Anonymous said…
Best of luck in your new adventures.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Welcome to "full time" Brookings County!!
Anonymous said…
Outstanding work with the SD Vietnam War Memorial Dedication, Pat! Best Wishes!


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