The definitive account of Daschle V. Thune

THE definitive accounting of what happened in the Daschle V. Thune race is being released this September through Check it out:

Daschle vs Thune - Anatomy of a high plains race by Jon Lauck has the lowdown on what really went on in the defeat of the Senate Majority Leader. Pre-order your copy today from


Anonymous said…
I like Jon Lauck as a guy, and I know he's a Ph.D. in history, but I'm concerned that his work for Thune will taint even a fairminded work. That said, it should be an interesting story - Thune v. Daschle is one of the classic SD senate races and one of the best races in recent US history.
Anonymous said…
Cool, a book literally on a famous aspect of South Dakota's politics. Professor PP, please give us your thoughts. You are the Dean of the SD War College, after all.
Anonymous said…
I'm sure Dave Kranz will give a whole story to this book just like he did the Daschle book, every McGovern book, the new Volk book and just about every liberal book out there....yeah, right. Finally, South Dakota will get a real book on politics. Reminds me of the good old days of blogging.
Anonymous said…
good catch War College, this will be a fun book...i feel sorry this guy because the Daschle/Argus Leader/Clean Kid slime machine will no doubt hit him with everything they got. oh well, truth usually prevails.
Haggs said…
Maybe he can finally explain why a freshman senator is better for South Dakota than the senate minority/majority leader. Because I havent' seen much improvement.
Anonymous said…
I don't expect this will be the most objective analysis
Anonymous said…
this book looks a lot more interesting than his last one listed on Amazon about monopolies
Anonymous said…
somebody should have written a book on this race before now. this topic is good. and the cover of the book is neat [but I won't judge the book just based on it!]
Anonymous said…
In Rapid City, the rumor is that Tim Johnson will announce he's stepping down and pass the baton to Tom Daschle for a return to the Senate. Then Daschle and Thune will be in the Senate together, which sounds funny
Anonymous said…
Lauck's blog was very objective unlike some of the screamers we have today. I imagine his book will also be quite objective. His blog was also titled "Daschle v. Thune"
Anonymous said…
Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin better read this book, because the way she is now she looks more like Daschle all the time
Anonymous said…
maybe after this book Daschle will finally go away to that climate-controlled, corporate-funded wonderland of phoniness he inhabits so well. i look forward to reading Lauck's history book.
Anonymous said…
LAUCK IS BACK! this book comes out when? PP, good job getting this around. Professor PP should bring in guest lecturer Professor Lauck to instruct the young at the War College and to go forth and fight for the future
Anonymous said…
This book could compete with "Bill Janklow's Memoir" for the best book ever in South Dakota...
Anonymous said…
this has Pulitzer Prize written all over could be launching pad for Thune/Thompson 2008
Anonymous said…
Jon is a friend of mine dating back to our high school days in Madison and our undergraduate work at SDSU. I look forward to the book. But if any of you really believe it will be objective, you are kidding yourselves. Don't forget Jon is a paid staffer for Thune.
Anonymous said…
objective, obschmective, i want a good book on an interesting topic.

speaking of "objective," have you read the Argus Leader lately???

anyone who reads the Argus Leader and takes what is printed there as truth can NEVER EVER talk about what is "objective" and what isn't
Anonymous said…
II said: "In Rapid City, the rumor is that Tim Johnson will announce he's stepping down and pass the baton to Tom Daschle for a return to the Senate."

Has Johnson run that by Stephanie yet? Didn't think so! She has big plans for that seat herself!
Anonymous said…
8:31 AM

this book will be interesting because Daschle might again make a dip into politics in 08 if Johnson can't run, which will make Herseth-Sandlin's fur fly
Anonymous said…
good for Lauck...i was wondering if this book was going to get done
David Newquist said…
Another book is in the offing, but it will probably not appeal to the popular mentality, as it will focus on how the campaign hinged on propaganda tactics in the race. The Press Project collected as much campaign rhetoric as it could find--news accounts, speeches, soundbites, advertising, etc.--and checked the facts and analyzed the rationality and put the material into categories. That material is now in the hands of writers who are more interested in a tightly documented rhetorical history for professional communicators and scholars rather than something that will excite the partisan hormones. It is sure to be dismissed as an "elitist" document. Among other things. It will include an illustration of Tom Daschle being pictured alongside Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. And the famous Thune ad contending that Daschle abandoned his first wife for a beauty queen. Will Jon Lauck's book address that aspect of the campaign or be just another shot in the furor of character assassination?

Big Brother seems to have his malevolent minions working over time.
Anonymous said…
Leave it to old Newqui, Mr. Happy. Whatever opinion he doesn't agree with is "malevolent." Mr. Dr. Newquist should write his own book or put a sock in it. Newquist's wife worked for Daschle so don't let him convince you he is somehow "objective" on this topic.
Anonymous said…
Daschle and Thune look so much alike on the book cover that it's hard to tell them apart. Though their politics are different, they are really alot alike.
Anonymous said…
if bozos like Newquist are already attacking the book without even reading it you know that all the Daschlites will soon join in.

how about actually reading the book first?
Anonymous said…
you can also look for the counterpart to this book:

STEVE HILDEBRAND and CHAD SCHULDT, "Why John Thune is Evil and the Benefits of Socialism" (Argus Leader Press, 2008) [with a Forward by Dave Kranz and George McGovern]
Anonymous said…
Gee, David.... Do you really believe that's the first time tactics like those have been used in a political campaign???

Could it be possible that the same sort of research and spin actually comes from the Dems just as often?
Anonymous said…
seeing this book just reminded me how much i do NOT miss Daschle. and i voted for him. just think how much we do NOT miss Tim Johnson. might as well get someone in there who is actually doing something for the state
Anonymous said…
the Argus Leader will probably ask Tom Daschle to review the book for them
Anonymous said…
Daschle v. Thune, Blue v. Red, cool cover
Anonymous said…
the next book should be "Daschle v. Herseth: The 2008 South Dakota Senate Primary"

prediction: Herseth 52%, Daschle 48%
Anonymous said…
totally wrong, the next race and therefore book will be:


the book will examine how Johnson used/coped with his medical condition and how Rounds had to deal with the hostile Argus

Rounds 54%, Johnson 46%
Anonymous said…
Thune and Daschle DO NOT look alike. How could anyone think they do.
Anonymous said…
you've forgotten the obvious:

Daschle v. Thune 2010: The Empire Strikes Back
Anonymous said…
i can't wait for the kranz review
Anonymous said…
darn, i thought i had heard the last of Two Minute Tommy
Anonymous said…
Dave Kranz beats off to books by people like Steve Jarding, George McGovern and Tom Daschle. Jarding is heavily involved in politics just like Lauck and the McGovern and Daschle books are anything but "fair." So there is NO RATIONALE for Kranz and the Argus to not devote as much ink to this book as the other books mentioned. The only reason they wouldn't is that they are bitter and whiny and want to snub a Republican so they can print more liberal propaganda.
Anonymous said…
impressive, a university press is publishing the book. i thought it might be some conservative outfit.
Anonymous said…
Please bring back the glory days of South Dakota blogging

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