Sam Kephart to run against Tim Johnson

(Hat tip to Dakota Voice)

The Rapid City Journal
is reporting today that Spearfish businessman Sam Kephart has decided to challenge Democratic U.S. Senator Tim Johnson. This seems to be coming as a bolt out of the blue, because I don't think I'd heard that from anyone until it popped up in the paper:
Sam Kephart, a 56-year-old self-employed businessman from Spearfish, announced his candidacy Friday for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson.

Kephart, a self-described “Eisenhower Republican,” said he plans to make his campaign official next week with an announcement in Spearfish. He said he wished Johnson well in his rehabilitation from a brain hemorrhage and subsequent surgery in December but also questioned the senator’s ability to continue to meet the rigorous duties of a U.S. senator.

“I’m not against Sen. Johnson. I think he has done a fine job of serving the people of South Dakota,” Kephart said. “I have some substantial questions about the propriety of him continuing given the serious nature of his health problems.”


Kephart clashed with the Republican Party last year at the state convention over the abortion issue. He tried unsuccessfully to amend the party’s stated support for a near-total abortion ban approved by the 2006 Legislature with language intended to show respect for opposing views by party members.
Read it all here in the Rapid City Journal.


Haggs said…
I wasn't sure who he was at first, but I remember him now from that convention. I remember supporting his idea about respecting those with different ideas. And I remember being disgusted that the "Big Tent" Republican Party happily shut out any opposing views.

So I like Kephart... up to a point. What experience does he have for something like being a senator? The article doesn't mention anything. Whereas Johnson has been doing a great job as our senator and has a lot of experience.

Also, I have no doubt that the "Big Tent" Republicans will have trouble accepting his views. Especially this sentence: "I think a doctor in the privacy of his or her office is allowed to make those decisions with the patient and her family." That's not going to fly with those who want to take away that decision.
Anonymous said…
Haggs, I always took you for a democrat.
Haggs said…
Nope. I'm a registered independant, and proud of it. I don't have a very favorable opinion of political parties. Too often, they seem to put their own interests ahead of the interests of the people they're supposed to represent. Too often, they get so wrapped up in beating the other party, they they end up hurting the people they're supposed to help.

I may change my mind in the future, but right now the only time I can ever see myself registering with a party is for an important primary. And then I'd change back to independant afterwards.
Anonymous said…
It's "independent".
Anonymous said…
"I don't think I'd heard that from anyone until it popped up in the paper."

Probly ain't true then.
Haggs said…
Hott - Thanks for pointing that out. I suck, I know. I'm horrible about proofreading what I type.

Oh well.
Anonymous said…
If he is an "Eisenhower Republican" then he stands to the left of 75% of his party. It is a sad commentary that Ike, or someone with Ike's views would have a hard time getting nominated by the GOP today. Beware of the military/industrial complex. Words as true today as the day they were first uttered.
Wayne Gilbert said…
"Eisenhower Republican" is an interesting choice of words. As has been observed, that puts him to the left of many of today's Republicans, in reality but not in perception. In other words, the neo-cons are not aware that Eisenhower would probably recoil at President Bush's level of federal intrusion and federal spending. If someone were to call themselves a "Rocekfeller Republican" or even, paradoxically, a "Goldwater Republican," the SD Republican party would send them packing. This label at least gives Mr. Kephart a fighting chance at being permitted to speak at the next convention. Actually getting the nomination fromt this bunch, however, is out of the question.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Haggs as I am sick of ALL parties. I can't understand why everybody can's just do what is right instead they just seemed to always call the other parties names.Happens on this blog and CCK all the name.Washington and even state and local is just as bad. You can disgree and still work together for the better of all.
Anonymous said…
By calling himself an Eisenhower Republican he sets himself up for some good quotes, because as we all know it isn't the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.

Oh and Haggs, I have a lot more respect for you now that I know your an "Independant"!

Anonymous said…
Is he going to pick Ed Olson as his Lt. Sen. running mate?
Anonymous said…
Kephart doesn't stand a chance in the primary.
Anonymous said…
Lederman, that's because you have never understood the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats can vote for anyone they want to. Going Indy is just a way to say you're willing to do it without any safety net. Indys are basically Dems with a bone to pick.
Anonymous said…
Kephart is a clown! This guy has no brains nor any credibility. What an ego trip!
Anonymous said…
Kephart doesn't stand a chance.
Anonymous said…
Great, add his name to the list of west river sams who can't get elected during the 2007-2008 election cycle.

Put that list alongside the larry losers list.
Anonymous said…
There is a difference between the parties people just need to really listen and listen and ponder the ramifications of the ideas and a light bulb will pop on.
I am not saying that someone has to agree with a candidate 100% but look at the basic attitude of the candidate.
Anonymous said…
Indeed Sam has a long journey, but I wish anyone well who takes up this battle.

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