Ahh, I guess it's ok. I'll probably keep doing it.
Upcoming visits

I think the Audioblog was finally a success, as compared to some of the other things I've tried. It's not that all of the free stuff was bad. In fact I'd use the call-in thing again if I was on the road.

But I'm a hands-on techie at heart. I want to cut and clip out the "dead air" parts, and make it perfect.

Advice? Write your script ahead of time. I found that I had to trim dead air in spite of having it written up ahead of time. I have to admire Jerry Hinkle at the Holabird Advocate for doing such a good job. It's a testament to being quick on the draw.

The only problem is now, I have to come up with stuff that makes it all worthwhile. I'm probably hypercritical of myself. I want it to be perfect. I need to run through the script a few times, and get polished.

I actually did radio back in my high school days as a nightime/evening DJ at KGFX in Pierre. It was kind of funny - someone who listened to Styx, the Cars, Berlin and Quiet Riot playing country music for a job. But it was a good experience. There are worse jobs to have in high school.....

Anyway, Todd Epp might be stopping through Pierre in the next couple of days. Although, I'm told much like matter and anti-matter, the world might end if a Republican and Democrat sit down for lunch and talk politics. (If we're not here on Tuesday, you'll know it was correct.)

ALSO - the newest installment of "10 Questions with...." is here!! Check it out tomorrow! It's pretty good.


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