I'm going to try to configure the SD War College Feed
Okay, Since I really like the format of SD123, but no new blogs have been added in months, I'm going to try to get this to work for my own. I really want to have a single place to glance at to see if my favorite weblogs have been updated, so I'm trying to get a RSS web aggregator to work.
Dont worry, I'll share. The web address is: http://www.bloglines.com/blog/sdwarcollege
If I can ever figure out how this works, it will be gold. If not, it will go away in fovor of something else.
If someone knows of something that works better, feel free to let me know, or build one yourself and tell me where to find it. Thanks.
Dont worry, I'll share. The web address is: http://www.bloglines.com/blog/sdwarcollege
If I can ever figure out how this works, it will be gold. If not, it will go away in fovor of something else.
If someone knows of something that works better, feel free to let me know, or build one yourself and tell me where to find it. Thanks.