The Day in South Dakota politics, July 21

July 21 is a big day in SD Politics. Lots of people - some of whom I actually had met - were born today. Just to note a couple....

Former State Representative Mike Shaw, Sr. was born today in 1924. Mike has retired, and I believe is just recently remarried after the passing of his wife Marilyn (who was a real nice lady) a few years back. Don't confuse him with his lobbyist son, Mike Shaw, Jr., who continues to be an active participant in the legislative process.

Sioux Falls Democrat Loila Hunking was also born today in 1939. Loila is a former legislator and Sioux Falls City Commissioner, and she also served on the Sioux Falls School Board.

Happy Birthday from the SD War College.


Bob Newland said…
A landmark date, indeed.

My birthday is July 26. I'll be 57.

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