Even More on the MAINstream Coalition:
SD Straight Talk slaps away!

Joel Rosenthal at SD Straight Talk finally chimes in on the MAINstream coalition.

Joel takes a slap at Bill Napoli for his behavior.
Name calling as Napoli does may rally his base and endear him to others in his wing of the caucus, but calling people names (RINOs in this case) and wanting to show them the exit is not the way to good government nor the way to build a party. Acting in this fashion will find Republicans in the minority. The Republican Party was founded on the belief of giving rights and being tolerant to those who are different and in the minority. (Just anecdotally, when then Representative Napoli was the Assistant Majority Leader in the House (2001-2002), a partisan position, he often would oppose Republican caucus positions. He always said that he did this because of his principled positions but now he criticizes others and ask them to leave the party for the same motivation.
Then, Joel takes a slap at Republican Leadership for not squelching Bill:
This behavior hurts all Republicans and every Republican candidate and the leadership from the very top must stop it. Senator Majority Leader Eric Bogue who I don’t believe was challenged for his position and thus was elected by the entire caucus has let this behavior and name calling get out of hand. Governor Rounds in his role as party leader is also culpable in letting this kind of behavior to fester for now three legislative sessions. Even Senator Thune who probably doesn’t bear any direct responsibility needs to step (if the Governor or the Majority won’t) in and tell these combatants to start being smart and acting like adults.
Anyone left that hasn't been slapped yet? OK. I think he's done. In summation, Joel does make a good point:
A caucus division also may have the pragmatic effect of having disaffected members of the caucus making unnecessary new coalitions with Democrats and if continued (as a drastic step) ultimately might result in having them actually caucusing with the Democrats. This could result in Dems and disaffected Republicans chairing committees, setting the agenda and controlling other important procedural and parliamentary devices.

Recent reports that the Democrat State Party leadership met with the Mainstream Coalition suggests all these kinds of problems ahead.

A working armistice needs to be found now. Winning politics and elections is about addition not subtraction.

Read the whole article here.


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