Passings, corrections, and an upcoming post notice

As I'm home for lunch eating a roast beef sandwich and blogging, I just saw that James Doohan - Scotty from Star Trek - just passed away. Okay, it's not political, but it's Scotty for god's sake. Read the Fair and Balanced account here. It's a little sad, I spent many a Saturday afternoon watching Star Trek re-runs listening to him say "I canna defy the laws of physics. I've got to have thirty minutes."

In a suprisingly quick and responsive reply, Campaigns and Elections Magazine corrected the spelling error on my listing. Wow. No wonder they are the best at what they do. And what they do is cover campaigns.

Also, coming soon (maybe yet tonight), my next installment of "10 questions with...." I think this one is going to be excellent, and definately a "must read." I have to say, I'm really pleased with the interviews, and the quality of people who are agreeing to do this. This interview will be no different.

UPDATE: I also see that comic book artist Jim Aparo also passed away today. If you were a male child during the late 1970's early 1980's, you very likely saw Jim's work in the Batman comic book

ANOTHER UPDATE: Yahoo news is reporting that Gerry Thomas, the guy who invented the TV dinner, just died as well.


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