Amendment E advertisement in the SF Shopper

(Click to enlarge the bad advertising)

You know, it's pretty bad when, at the same time they're arguing in court that their campaign opponents are being untruthful, the fun anti-tax 911 conspiracy crew at place an ad in the shopper paper which is full of some of the wildest claims you've ever seen.

For example:

Are they on drugs? SD Prison industries is the largest employer in the state? As Tim Gebhart points out on his take on all of this over at A Progressive on the Prairie:
So, if we include inmates as "employees," the total employment at Prison Industries is 289 statewide. Let's look at the largest employers in Sioux Falls alone: Sioux Valley Hospitals & Health System, 5,729; Avera Health, 3,969; Citigroup, 3,200; John Morrell & Company, 3,200; Sioux Falls School District, 3,000; Wells Fargo, 2,722; HyVee Food Stores, 1,699; WalMart/Sam's Club, 1,195; Midwest Coast Transport, 1,180; City of Sioux Falls, 1,082; and, First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard, 1,033. With less than 300 employees, Prison Industries isn't even among the top 25 employers in Sioux Falls or the 50 largest employers in South Dakota.
The second faulty argument lost by the judicial accountability JAIL crew. In one day.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I love that they put a 100 dollar bill in the ad when most of the JAIL crazies believe that paper currency is worthless . . .
Anonymous said…
Bill appears to be right that it is common practice to lie about a ballot issue. Best NO on all ballot issues as we are being lied to by the YES folks. Let's vote for individual personal responsibility.
Anonymous said…
Based on your ad I assume that you also support the marijuana bill...'cause you were obviously smokin' it when you developed this ad.
Anonymous said… must stand for extreme goofiness.
Anonymous said…
MHS, the only thing that the JAIL crazies have right is that paper currency is worthless. Go read the Constitution of this nation, especially the section dealing with who has the power to coin and print money, and the fact they should be based on equal weights of precious metals (ie gold or silver), then take a hard look at our system. We have a socialist, private central bank called the FED, that prints money, and your taxes you pay every april go to the FED, not the govt. FDR set the country on a dangerous path, and the very banking system at the center in unconstituional. Why has nobody said anything, well, what do you think would happen to not only this country, but the world econmic system. Sorry, I know it is off topic, but had to vent, that issue bothers me.

Oh yeah, Amendment E is rotten.
Anonymous said…
Billy, and Commies, and kooks, oh my!

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