Pam Hemmingsen and her $13,500 benefactor

I've been perusing the Political Action Committee reports and this one made me do a double take.
A political action committee called "Democracy Works" shows who it's working for this election - Democratic Candidate Pam Hemmingsen. Aside from $1000 to Billion, $1000 to Stan's pupp... Er, Sorry $1000 to Tom Katus, $500 each to Theresa Spry and Rick Hanson, it comes in with a massive chunk of money to candidate Pam Hemmingsen.

$13,500 to be exact.

Who is coughing up with all of this money for this PAC? It looks like the vast majority of it - $22,000 - is coming from Hermosa Sculptor Jim Borglum, grandson to Gutzon Borglum.

Dang. I'm in the wrong business.


Anonymous said…
I hear that she and her benefactor are are living together.
Anonymous said…
Well I hear anon 2:15 pm is silly monkey molester...that's what I hear
Anonymous said…
I hear she can throw a silver dollar clear across the missouri
Anonymous said…
Well, I've seen just about everything. But I aint seen an elephant fly.
Anonymous said…
2:15 p.m. If true, so what? And if not, shame on you.

Further, there's nothing apparently illegal about the contribution to the PAC. Until the SD Legislature fixes this issue, both sides are going to take advantage of the PAC law v. individual contributions.
Anonymous said…
Jim Borglum is Pam's boyfriend.

It puts a whole new meaning to the phase "being in bed with the PAC's".

We'll see if her "efforts" pay off at the ballot.
Anonymous said…
hahahahahaha Anon 5:36, you freegin kill me. Efforts means sex, Anon 5:36 if only you had some kind of website to share your wink wink nod nod humor with the world
Anonymous said…
Pam Hemmingsen is the best Democratic legislative candidate from Rapid City in a long time, so if her boyfriend wants to chip in some cash, more power to him.
Anonymous said…
I see no difference between them donating and the Republicans getting money from Fischer Furniture.
Anonymous said…
I think it is neat that he supports her in her race. He belives in her!
Anonymous said…
8:03 Amen to that. Pam is excellent. I also might add that she has run an extremely clean campaign, avoiding some of the ugly rhetoric that is easy to come by in Dist 32. She can proudly hold her head high, and in the highly unlikely event that Elli could win could probably find a way to work with her. (She's a far better person than I , IMHO.)

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