Dang it. They picked up a percentage point.
( ) NO 294747 89 818 818
( ) YES 35640 11 818 818
Darn it. I was hoping for the 90-10 to stand. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with a 78% spread against the JAIL for Judges goofs.
And for all future discourse on this website about the JAIL movement (which I hope is really, really limited if non-existent), JAIL publicist Bonnie Russell will forevermore be known as "11% Russell."
I think there were more signature to put this terrible thing on the ballot than there were votes to pass.
Please confirm.
I generally sign most petitions to put something on the ballot. Just because I will help someone exercise their right to put something to a vote doesn't mean it will get my vote. I think that is true of many people.