Sizzle.... Crackle..... Is that Senator Jim Hundstad who is feeling the heat?

I just got a report from up in Aberdeen way that the Dems went into full panic mode after a barrage of postcards for his opponent in the area.

One is a nice one with Brian Johnson and his family. Another, a postcard of endorsement from Governor Rounds for Brian. The third... Let's just say it's going to be tough for Hundstad to ride away from his record on his little sedgway scooter.

In response, the Dems pulled out a Stephanie Herseth autodialer machine (Which I generally hate, regardless of party) as well as Ben Nesselhuff working the area.

I think Hundstad has finally worn out his welcome.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like all the boobs are against Johnson.
Anonymous said…
Wow, the still wet behind the ears "Blooming Juniper" Nesselhuf is up there to help him, they must be really desperate! Not that Johnson is all that mature himself, but the arrogant punk BJ should only help the GOP. Of course he has the time since he's never held a full-time job in his life.
Anonymous said…
Good to see my fan club is out tonight. I do take a wee bit of an exception to the last comment. I may be a punk and may arguably be arrogant but I have had a full time job since before I was out of college. I’ve been in insurance sales for the last 6 years. Anonymous 7:36, give me a call for all of your insurance and financial needs. I’ll take good care of you.
Anonymous said…
Mr. Hunstand, assuming for the moment that he indeeds loses, will be missed as he, H. Paul Dennert, and Gerald Lange always seem to be in perpetual battle for the ranking of the "Mr. Magoo" legislator. They see a fire hydrant and think that it's a fire truck.
Anonymous said…
I've just got to say - H. Paul Dennert is a way more serious legislator than Hundstad or Lange.
Anonymous said…
Nesselhuf at least gets points for keeping his sense of humor after a chicken attack.
Anonymous said…
8:50 "Nesselhuf at least gets points for keeping his sense of humor after a chicken attack."

If only all our legislators were so composed...
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you people are worried about this state Senate race.

There is a battle to save unborn babies out there, and you're spending your time talking about this race that has little consequence on the lives of unborn babies.

Save the babies! NOTHING is more important than saving the babies.
Anonymous said…
I believe you meant Kloucek. If not, you should have. Kloucek, Lange and Hundstad are birds of a feather. Nesselhuf is right up there too. I heard him the day he cried on the floor of the Senate. It was over his campaign for man-on-man marriage. Yucky! He said it "goes to the very heart of what it is I believe in."

It begins at 26:16 at the following link.

To that end, Hundstad and Nesselhuf are two peas in a pod in their voting. They're as liberal as the Mainstream Moderates.
Anonymous said…
Jim Hunstad is a real boob, he couldn't get a bill passed if someone threw it for him. Hope he sits at home wondering about his voting record for sex offenders.
Anonymous said…
At least Hunstadt and Lange didn't walk out when a tough vote was coming up like chicked Dennert did.
Anonymous said…
why are you covering up the news about janklow being a part of the Sen. Sutton hearing ?
PP said…
Guys.. mellow out.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the link, 9:25.

I also see that Dan Sutton co-sponsored HJR 1001, but then he voted nay. Interesting...
Anonymous said…
Mr Lorenzen,

Hmm, I hope you log in an tell us how you are really feeling tomorrow night at 9 pm. Okay, I will give you that you might get Hundstad..but we won't get Sutton's seat back. You either aren't from Aberdeen or never been to a community event if you think Isaac has a chance of beating Al Hoerth. My guess we will have two Republicans coming from Brown County at the most but I bet it is only one.

No way are the people from Brown County going to elect a young kid from Spink county and I don't see them picking a father and a son to represent them from the same district. We will have to thank our lucky stars if all six seats aren't controlled by the Democrats. And who do we have to thank? Dana Randall
Anonymous said…
Dana, who is 11:40pm? He talks like he knows you and admires your leadership in Brown Co! You must be doing a great job!!
Anonymous said…
PS: as far as Janklow is concerned he should fit right in with the Democrat infighting that is going on....about time he took some money for his services above the table!
Anonymous said…
What is your obsession with Hundstad?

And as for this entire thread, it just makes me want to stand up and sing "America the Beautiful." It is so comforting to see political decisions being made free of meanness and rancor and with such inspirational intelligence.
Anonymous said…
"I think Hundstad has finally worn out his welcome."

Still feel that way?

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