MEGA GOP Turnout in Hughes County, elsewhere

I had a report that in Hughes County, the GOP targeted GOTV list has had a turnout of at least 95%. What does that mean? Hard Republican voters have turned out in massive droves.

This is phenomenal!!

I also just got off of the phone with a reader up in Brown County who is reporting similar phenomena. Huge turnout with little or no prompting.

This bodes well for this evening's races.

Except for AG. As Ron Volesky noted, he's already done.


Anonymous said…
Looks like those "hard Republican voters" spurned Referred Law 6, 37-63. Apparently having a yard sign crammed down your throat by the Catholic Church or Kitty Werthmann doesn't mean you vote their way...
Anonymous said…
"This bodes well for this evening's races."

Still feel that way?

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