Is District 19 getting sick of Frank?

(R) HAUCK JOHN 2431 49 11 18
(D) KLOUCEK FRANK 2526 51 11 18


Anonymous said…
how about you post the elli results....early reports are she is getting beat.
PP said…
Early results are Dem Precincts. Both Dems are up in the House.
Anonymous said…
None of the Bon Homme precincts are in yet, which is Frank's home area. Have no fear, your buddy will be back in Pierre.
Anonymous said…
Your coverage is boring, and inaccurate.
Anonymous said…
Frank's got it won.
Anonymous said…
What happened to your new best friend Senator Reelected by a landslide honorable Jim Hunstad? He won despite the republican war machines best efforts. Are you going to apoligize to him for printing the slander and outright lies?
Anonymous said…
What were the final results in this race? Someone said it was a landslide again? Why would Frank get beat by a pro abortion gun control supporting anti education funding republican? What kind of drugs are you taking? Did you make the Cheney pheasant hunt? Did you limit out?

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